A little about me:
Hi! My name is Harley Coleman. I teach 6th grade Reading and Social Studies. I have been teaching for 5 years.
I have a son who attends Gosnell Pre-K. I have 3 cats(Johnny, Goose and Tater)and a dog named Jordie. I have always taught at Gosnell and I am very proud to be a Pirate!
My goal is to make our students passionate readers!

A little about me:
My name is Katie Harrison. I teach 6th grade ELA. I have been teaching for 7 years. This is my 3rd year as a Gosnell Pirate.
I am married to my husband, Will. We have a 2 year old daughter named Sophie and two dogs named Teddy and Lilly. We love playing outside with Sophie and the dogs. We also enjoy spending time with family.
I love being a Pirate and can't wait for Sophie to be one too!

A little about me:
Hi! My name is Gregg Kemp. I teach 6th grade Science.
This is my 12th year teaching; my 10th as a Gosnell Pirate.

A little about me:
I have been teaching for 18 years. This is my 17th year at Gosnell. I have taught 5th and 6th. I am currently teaching 6th Grade Math.
I have 3 children. Two who are Gosnell alumni and one who is still in school at Gosnell. I have 3 granddaughters. One of my three granddaughters attends Gosnell. I have 2 dogs named Chase and Liv. My husband and I are also Gosnell alumni.
I love GES. It is a great place for my children to attend school and also a great place to work!